+48 61 839 24 75

Trends in outsourcing of packing services - contract packaging

Optimizing operating costs by outsourcing various tasks is very popular in the pharmaceutical industry today. The latest outsourcing trends include, in particular, contract packaging, thanks to which manufacturers of drugs and medical devices can achieve large savings in areas such as logistics, warehousing, labeling and serialization.

Advantages of contract packaging for pharmaceutical companies

All tasks related to the packaging of drugs, psychotropic substances and other pharmaceutical products are not only labor-intensive, but also require specialist knowledge, the use of modern machines and the provision of a sufficiently large warehouse space. However, if you decide to outsource, the responsibility for meeting all these conditions will largely fall on the packing company, and you will be able to fully concentrate on your core business.

Virtually everyone benefits from it - both your company, because you save on the costs of employing employees and purchasing technological solutions, and your customers, because thanks to cost optimization you can lower prices. This way you gain a significant competitive advantage!


Professional contract packaging at Prespack - tailor-made solutions for companies in the pharmaceutical industry

Since Poland is located in the center of Europe, and Prespack has its own printing facilities for the production of medical packaging and leaflets, our contract packaging and serialization services are attractive. At Prespack, we can create the required materials in various versions for individual markets and send them directly to other EU countries.

In addition, we have a large warehouse space and a cold store for storing temperature-sensitive pharmaceuticals. With contract packaging, you do not need to control any additional packaging, repackaging, serialization, labeling and sealing processes as we, as a contract manufacturer, take full responsibility for monitoring all these tasks.

We are aware that for larger companies it is unprofitable to repack small series of pharmaceutical products with your own means - we are happy to undertake this task for you as part of outsourcing.

Just contact us and let us create the right strategy for your business.



Prespack offers specialised services of contract packing, repacking and serialisation for EU-originating medicinal products, psychotropic substances and products that require cold chain storage.


We provide our services based on a manufacturing authorization for medicinal products and a GMP certificate from the Polish Chief Pharmaceutical Inspector. We offer serialization solutions to marketing authorization holders (MAHs), including those involved in parallel importation (PI MAHs).



Prespack offers contract services to pharmaceutical companies, including packing, repacking medicinal products into individual packs, and serialisation. We provide our services pursuant to a manufacturing and import authorisation and a GMP certificate. We carry out the following operations as part of our manufacturing process:



9 February 2019 saw the entry into force in Poland of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/161 which requires medicinal product manufacturers to use certain safety features on their products. This posed a serious challenge to pharmaceutical and contract manufacturers who had to bring their manufacturing processes and their technical and computer infrastructure in line with the new regulatory standards.



We can offer an added value to marketing authorisation holders (MAHs), including those involved in parallel importation (PI MAHs). Our in-house printing facilities are an additional advantage in that we can offer end-to-end production services for packaging materials, including internal logistics and subsequent customising processes.



All our manufacturing operations are carried out based on the current GMP guidelines. With our state-of-the-art technology and the Quality Assurance System, we can guarantee product safety and competitive service. We commit all our efforts and resources to make sure that our clients’ final products are as expected by them and fully compatible with Directive 2011/62/EU.



We are a fast growing business and we are open to new challenges. This makes us the perfect place to build and develop your career at. Choose a job that is full of challenges and will let you step up your skills and qualifications. We create quality in the workplace and we carry out our work with enthusiasm and commitment.


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Late-Stage-Customization – Was bedeutet das für die pharmazeutische Industrie?

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Late-stage customization – what does it mean for the pharmaceutical industry?

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Prespack sp. z o.o. 
Sadowa 38 
60-185 Skórzewo

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Phone: +48 61 839 24 75
Office: +48 606 841 900
Customer service: +48 517 344 350
Warehouse: +48 603 292 499+48 604 802 929

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NIP: 7812016420
REGON: 387877393
KRS: 0000877047
E-mail: office@prespack.pl

Wysokość kapitału zakładowego: 360 000,00 zł, Sąd Rejonowy Poznań – Nowe Miasto i Wilda w Poznaniu, VIII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego